Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to a New School and other stuff

Wyatt started a new school recently, Montessori. This was pretty exciting for us. Here are some pictures of him on his first day of school with his new Spiderman lunchbag. He is still into Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train, but Spiderman also has a special spot. He is carrying an apple in his left hand (for him, not for the teacher).

L: Ready for the pool, in a Spiderman bathing suit and matching flipflops.

R: In some new school clothes, complete with Spiderman
tennis shoes.

Ready to plow the field with Daddy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wyatt and Barney

A few weeks ago, Rob and Tiff (and Barney) kindly watched Wyatt for us while we went to a doctor's appt. Wyatt hit it off with Barney, as you can see below. I especially like the 3rd one. Wyatt also helped to water a garden (see the last picture). Back to school pictures to come...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

An Art History Post

For those of you who don't like my beloved field, you can skip this post. And there will be no pictures of Wyatt. This is one of my students, Mari Lyn, in the Louvre with Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii (1783-4). This is one of my favorite paintings and from "my" century. I spent A LOT of time talking about this painting in my survey class in the spring, which Mari Lyn was in. So, when she traveled this summer, she very kindly posed for and sent me this picture. Thanks, Mari Lyn! I think that she kind of looks like Vanna White in this picture.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Does this need a title?

So this was Wyatt's first week of school at Montessori. Instead of posting pictures of that, which I will probably do early next week, I thought that I would post this picture instead. Any suggestions for a caption?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aviva's 1/2 Birthday

Last Wednesday, we celebrated Aviva's 6 month birthday with yummy cake. Almost 30 people came to Jennie and Menachem's house for the celebration.

Wyatt and Kai enjoyed the beanbag, while Kai's little brother Quinn hung out with his mom, Alicia.

A couple pictures of the birthday girl, held in a sling by Valerie's husband, Tom.

Cutting the cake....

Then we went outside and played..Wyatt, Lilah & Becca on the swing and Lilah and Wyatt playing with the sand. I think that I have a 1/2 birthday celebration coming to me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Last Friday, Wyatt and I went to the pool with Joyce and her daughters, Kathryn and Becca. It was a chilly day for late July, but we still had a good time.

The three of them invented a shark? game where they "attacked" Kathyrn with their little floats. She was a very good sport about this.

Wyatt got so tired out by this that he decided to lie down on the tile between the two baby pools. Kathryn is checking on him.
Later on Friday, Wyatt decided to be the laundry basket monster.