Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October Stuff

Paul and Wyatt have carved several pumpkins together. This one is pretty cool, as it features the profile of a witch who is holding a pumpkin in her hand. I think that it looks pretty cool and scary at night. I have also included a couple of pictures of the leaves near our house.

Pictures of Luca, Lilah and Wyatt at the apple orchard and Wyatt ready for his school's picture day.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Festival Part Deux

More pictues from fall festival--I love the pictures of Meg and Wyatt (especially at the top of the Ferris Wheel with St. Boniface's towers in the background) and the one of Wyatt and I.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Fall Festival

Well, one of the West Side Evansville delicacies is the brain sandwich. Despite the mad cow scare, the Fall Festival continues to sell them. Yum...

Wyatt and I met Meg and her kids there and we began with the pet parade. I really like the St. Bernard dressed as Cerberus. The parade also featured wagons with cages of cats and kittens and infants in precarious floats. All for 15 minutes of fame.

Wyatt loved the rides and Meg and her kids gamely took him on many of them. Mallory took him to the bumper cars and then he went up on the Ferris Wheel, which scares me to death.

The dinosaur ride was also a hit--he was happy to be in the front seat at least once. He went on this ride all by himself.

Here is Wyatt at the top of the big slide on Meg's lap (thanks Meg!) and a couple of shots of Wyatt on a helicopter with Mallory--you have to look for a little bit to find Wyatt in the last picture. We had a lot of fun with our friends eating food that was not good for us. Things that we didn't try include chocolate covered bacon, chocolate covered crickets, elephant ears, and deep fried oreos.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wyatt's Fourth Birthday

We had a party at Chuck e Cheese last Friday to celebrate Wyatt's birthday. We had a good time, although both our birthday helper (Mildred, not pictured) and Chuck e were a little over the top. Wyatt enjoyed riding the toys and playing the games.

We waited to have cake at home til Saturday. It was very good and super cute. Wyatt helped Paul cut the cake.

Here is Wyatt with some of his new toys: a doctor's kit and Thomas the Train stuff. Note that Paul has converted Wyatt's old toy bin into a train table...very cool. It was really more of a birthday weekend than a single day.