Friday, December 17, 2010

Visiting Santa

We recently visited Santa at our local radio station, which was a lot of fun. Wyatt had on his new favorite Nordic sweater as it was freezing outside! Our friend Tori took some nice pictures of us. Wyatt also grabbed the camera and took the picture of Santa all by himself, which turned out pretty well. While at the radio station, Wyatt watched a Curious George Christmas special and ate a cookie that turned his mouth green. The last picture is Wyatt playing w/mommy's breast pump parts. On that note, Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New pictures

Here are Genevieve's and Wyatt's most recent school pictures. Don't worry, grandparents--you will get some soon!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gobble Gobble

We spent Thanksgiving in Vandalia, Illinois, with Paul's family. We had a lot of fun--especially when we were taking a bath in Vicki's kitchen sink. Baby Genevieve is working on crawling, a head of hair, and a 5th tooth. Wyatt is still working on being a big brother.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Here are some Halloween pictures. Baby Genevieve was a clown and Wyatt was a fireman, although it was hard to get good pictures of him because of the reflective tape. I have also included some pictures of Vandalia, including Wyatt w/his cousins in their Purple Aces shirts and Genevieve w/a Sherlock Holmes hat on. Papa Fred & Grandma Kathy also sent Wyatt an awesome pirate package that included a hat and eye patch. I told him not to wear these to bed, but he outsmarted me!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wyatt's Fifth Birthday

Here are some pictures from Wyatt's birthday weekend, as well as some other fun things that we have done recently (like going out for Mexican food--see Wyatt and Heidi in front of the empty Margarita glass:)) We also went to Fall Festival recently, where Wyatt got his face painted like a ferocious tiger. Genevieve also enjoyed the birthday celebrations and fell asleep in Heidi's arms holding the cake server (although this does look like a breastfeeding picture!). One of Wyatt's Halloween costumes is a fireman one, which he is modeling here. October is a fun month for us, with Wyatt and Paul's birthdays in it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

In the past week...

On Tuesday, Wyatt and his Montessori friends participated in World Peace Day, where they sang "Light a Candle for Peace," along with many other Montessori students around the world. Last Saturday, we went to Kids Fest in downtown Evansville, where Wyatt got to inspect a fire truck. On Sunday, we went to the marvelous German American Kunst Fest in nearby New Harmony. We ate lots of good food, including bratwurst and dumplings. There were several fire engine for Wyatt to inspect there. The flag below was hanging off one of engine's ladder. We also visited the sites of our wedding (the Roofless Church) and our reception (the Granary). Wyatt reminded us that this was where we got married. Lastly, Wyatt spotted a gently used fire boat that he had to have. Are you spotting a trend here? Guess what he wants to be for Halloween?