Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Visit to Vandalia 2010

Here are some awesome pictures that Aunt Jenn took while I was in Albuquerque almost two weeks ago. Thanks Jenn! Paul's parents took both kids to Illinois. Wyatt had a great time with his cousins, aunt, uncles & grandparents and Genevieve got a lot of wonderful attention too. In addition to the humans, Tiger the cat looks like he is enjoying Wyatt's train. The next posting will include my pictures from New Mexico.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brother and Sister

Here are more pictures of Genevieve and Wyatt. At her last weigh-in yesterday, she was an ounce shy of 10 pounds! She is starting to look like a real baby and not a shriveled old man--

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

All Things Aquatic

Here are some new pictures--Genevieve with a new surfboard bib. Wyatt and Genevieve in the tub and Wyatt at his first swim lesson. His swim teacher is Jeff, who is a great guy. The only thing that Wyatt was (understandably) nervous about was jumping off the diving board--into the deep end (see last picture). Luckily, there was a lifeguard there to lower him down and to another one to catch him.