Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tattoos! Look at those muscles!

Paul and I had a getaway earlier this week in St. Louis. While there, we went to the St. Louis Art Museum, where we bought Wyatt some temporary Japanese tattoos. Here he is with Daddy and his permanent tattoo, the Japanese character for bone. Thanks to Vicki, Dan, Grandma Virginia & Jenn for taking care of the kiddos!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Ride from H$%$^%ll

Yesterday on the ride home from the east side of Evansville, Wyatt got mad at me and told me that I was mean, which was what I got to hear for the next 20 minutes. Oh, and did I mention that Genevieve was crying and I had to pull over to get Wyatt straightened out. Here they are, looking a whole lot more angelic! And I still cannot figure out how to format text on blogspot!