Saturday, August 28, 2010

Florida 2010

In late July, we drove to Florida to visit Heidi's dad and stepmom. Here is Wyatt in the backseat w/Genevieve. He is wearing noise reducer headphones, which were needed during the trip. I need to emphasize that our 2 day trip was in a COROLLA and that we came back still talking to one another. Here are a few pictures from the beach, which we all loved. While there, we went with Dad to the Mote Aquarium, where we saw a dolphin, manatee (eating Romaine lettuce), sea turtle and hammer head shark. There is a picture of Wyatt by his name in the sand as well as one of the three of us. While in the Sunshine State, we visited Heidi's high school friend, Dawn Goldsmith, and hung out with her and her daughter, Elena. We went with them to the Children's Museum in St. Petersburg and had yummy burgers at Five Guys Burgers. It was great to see them and fantastic to spend time with Dad and Kathy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Michigan Part Trois

Because I am behind in my blogging, here are some pictures from our midJuly trip to Michigan. Wyatt is pictured here next to his tree in Nana & Papa Don's yard and in his swimming pool. Baby G. is pictured just being cute. She has a new tooth!