Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gobble Gobble

We spent Thanksgiving in Vandalia, Illinois, with Paul's family. We had a lot of fun--especially when we were taking a bath in Vicki's kitchen sink. Baby Genevieve is working on crawling, a head of hair, and a 5th tooth. Wyatt is still working on being a big brother.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Here are some Halloween pictures. Baby Genevieve was a clown and Wyatt was a fireman, although it was hard to get good pictures of him because of the reflective tape. I have also included some pictures of Vandalia, including Wyatt w/his cousins in their Purple Aces shirts and Genevieve w/a Sherlock Holmes hat on. Papa Fred & Grandma Kathy also sent Wyatt an awesome pirate package that included a hat and eye patch. I told him not to wear these to bed, but he outsmarted me!