Sunday, April 17, 2011

Summer in Evansville In April

Last weekend, the weather was 85 degrees--way too hot for April. Jason & Jen & Gracie & Reiley Bone visited us from Vandalia and we had a great time, especially outdoors. Gracie & Reiley were particularly helpful with Baby G. Of course, this weekend we had 40 degree weather.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring is finally here!

Spring has taken a long time to get to Evansville. Here are some pictures to celebrate the arrival of it. Here is baby G. ready for Easter, playing in her brother's room in his old Thomas pjs and down below, swinging on her swing in the backyard. We went to a birthday party on Sunday at Pump it Up and both Wyatt and Genevieve loved the slides. Check out Paul and G's picture--especially their expressions and hair. I hope spring is kind to our new garden that Paul and Wyatt watered.