Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Michigan Part Deux

Family friend Cindy Wagner allowed us to come out to Graham Lake twice to go kayaking. In the first picture, Wyatt is jumping for joy (notice the airborne feet). Paul was with us for the first kayaking trip. Cindy very kindly gave us graham crackers to snack on, which is what Wyatt is doing in the fourth picture. So, we started calling the lake Graham Cracker Lake. Cindy also held Genevieve while we swam and kayaked. Wyatt was tired from all this activity. Notice how he is thinking about sleep in the next to the last picture and has crashed in the last one. Thanks, Cindy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Michigan 2010

Here are some pictures from our recent trip to Michigan. I am sure that I will be posting more in the next few days. I like to call the first picture "Still Life with Expensive IPA Beer Bottle." Paul was with us for part of the trip, as he and Uncle Rob had a conference that they had to go to, where they supposedly discussed poetry. Wyatt had a great time at Lake Michigan building sand castles, swimming, and burying himself. Genevieve also had a good time, but zonked out pretty early on. Wyatt found the Tastee Treat ice cream place that my parents used to take us to and requested a stop. I think that he got some of the chocolate ice cream in his stomach, although it is not clear from the last picture in this post.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Pictures

Here are some new pictures of the kidlets. If you a grandparent, you will be getting some of these soon. If you are not and would like some of these pictures, contact me! Off to Carmel, IN and Michigan tomorrow for a week. Happy Birthday, Nana!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jack & Jill came down the hill to visit us in Evansville

Jill and Jack Bowman came down from Carmel to visit us in Evansville last weekend and we had a lot of fun. We went to Turoni's, where we ate yummy pizza and tried the brewski tray (Jill & Paul drank it, even though it is deceptively close to Heidi's Diet Pepsi. On Sunday morning, we got the slip n' slide out too, which was a lot of fun.